Country Risk Assessments

Make informed decisions and mitigate your travel risks with our Country Risk Assessment Services.

Make informed decisions based on our country risk analysis.

Country Risk Assessment Services

BGA Protection helps organisations analyse and minimise their location-based risks. We will help you understand the potential risks in over 240 countries and territories worldwide providing criminal, economic, political and technological information, trends and forecasts.

Organisations and individuals have a responsibility to understand their potential exposure in new territories, which allows them to make informed and responsible decisions that ensure their safety and success. We provide up-to-date reports on the latest risk-based information, ensuring our clients are provided with intelligence that is relevant to their unique needs.

As the business regulations become more risk-based, the pressure on organisations to display a proactive approach to mitigating risks is increasing. We help you understand and mitigate your risks abroad, ensuring you achieve greater success worldwide.

Our priority is to first and foremost understand and minimise your risk exposure. We rely on multiple reliable resources including Government Agencies, in-country risk experts and worldwide data and trends. We then analyse the relevant data, and identify potential threats. We have reliable contacts in most African countries that regularly update us with security-related intelligence.

Benefits of working with BGA Protection:

  • Our team of professionals are able to manage client risk exposures, while providing a confidential world-class service.
  • Because each client is unique in their circumstances, BGA Protection will customise a security plan specific to your needs.
  • BGA's management team has over 50 years combined experience in the Security industry.

"We help you understand and mitigate your risks abroad, ensuring you achieve greater success worldwide."

Enquire about our Country Risk Assessment services.

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    Make informed decisions based on our country risk analysis.

    Who do we work with?

    Each organisation and their situation is unique, and BGA Protection provides a country risk analysis & solution specific to your requirements.

    Our Country Risk Analysis not only helps us understand your risk abroad, but allows you to make informed decisions that will mitigate your risks and positively contribute to the success of your project.

    Our priorities are to:

    • Fully understand your potential risks, and tailor a solution specific to your needs
    • Provide relevant, up-to-date information in order to minimise your risk in all areas
    • Assess the travel risks and security requirements for businesses, expats and NGO's
    • Audit and plan logistics and other aspects of your security detail
    • Provide actionable, fact-based information on your potential risks and how to minimise them
    • Represent you and your organisation through emotional intelligence and soft-skills

    How do we do it?

    After the initial briefing, BGA Protection performs a detailed risk assessment of your chosen country. We then provide a report, and if required propose a Security Plan to suit your needs. With a large team of highly-skilled, qualified and experienced Security Risk experts you are guaranteed a solution to meet your needs.

    Protector Assessments

    A skilled Protector is a highly trained specialist who understands the needs and pressures placed on a 'Protectee' coupled with the demand for individualised security and unobtrusive protection, not somebody with the stature of a night-club bouncer or the fighting skills of a Chuck Norris.

    All of our Protectors have been assessed using a unique evaluation tool designed to certify Protectors in line with international best practice.

    Through this comprehensive assessment we can guarantee the level of competence of each of our Protection specialists.

    Our assessment evaluates a Protector's:

    • Planning and scenario reactions - How well does a protector plan a job, and how would they react in a specific scenario?
    • Fitness - If a protector is not physically fit, they will not be able to fulfill their duties. This is one of the first things we test during our assessments.
    • Soft Skills - A large part of a protector's job is to fit in and function well in different situations. Communication, dress sense, etiquette, general knowledge and overall preparedness are tested to make sure your protector can adapt to their surroundings.
    • Hard Skills - These are the skills that the protection industry is known for. Shooting, driving, restraint, planning and observation skills are all assessed to make sure you are in the safest hands possible.
    • Legal compliance - Being legally compliant is a necessity to work in the protection industry. We make sure our protectors are suitably qualified and meet a country's legal standards before we deploy them.

    How competent is your Protector?

    If you are questioning your current Protectors competency or are concerned about your security BGA will happily assess your Protection team's "real" ability in relation to international best practice and recommend appropriate measures to improve your current Protection profile.

    If you require a site visit from one of our security specialists or you wish to enquire about any of our other services send us a mail.

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      Contact information

      Head Office - Eagle Canyon Office Park Cnr Dolfyn Street & Jan Frederick Avenue
      Randburg, Johannesburg

      Fax: +27 (0) 86 608 4303

      Durban - Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal

      Cape Town - Racecourse Road, Milnerton, Cape Town

      Our Offices

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